Monday, May 31, 2010

May 2010 - for students

Why I love Australia JNF 994 BAN
Why should I recycle? JNF 363.72 GRE
With my knife F LAN Wrong way F MAC
When we were alone in the world JF NIL
Where there's smoke F HEF
What's new Scooby-Doo? F ELD
What dinosaur am I? JNF 567.9 HAR
Walt Disney's Winnie the Pooh and Tigger too. F MIL
Two peas in a pod F MCK
Two-holed butt F CAR
There goes the neighborhood F DAV
There were ten in the bed JNF 398.8 CAL
Specky Magee & the spirit of the game F ARE
Splish! splash! F HER
Star wars. Episode 1, the phantom menace F WRE
Starring Sally J. Freedman as herself F BLU
Some pig! F EBW
Sheep and Owl look for funny books F HAR
Short and scary : a whole lot of creepy stories and other chilling stuff F SHO
The serpent's tale F CRE
The Schernoff discoveries F PAU
Running shoes JF LIP
Reading makes you feel good JNF 028.5 PAR
The railway children F NES
Peter Pan in Disney's Return to Never Land. F BAR
Nim's friends F ORR
The paw thing F JEN
Mud puddle F MUN
The music of dolphins F HES
My grandma is a star JF NOR
Motorbike Bob F ODG
Knock knock jokes 808.88 SIN
Jokes and riddles 808.88 SIN
I hate bedtime! JF WIL
I won't share! F WIL
The important things JF CAR
Into battle F NIX
Jamie Spy and the great cookie mystery F MIE
Harry Potter poster sticker annual. 2009 F HAR
The haunted mask F STI
Mouse bakes for duck F HAR
Miffy at the gallery F BRU
The miracle of the little wooden duck JF WIL
The miraculous journey of Edward Tulane F DIC
Misery guts F GLE
The mobile phone detective F MOL
Magpie JF DAV
Magpie's gift F JOH
The mare's tale F ODG
Learn fire safety with Jamie F FIT
Just in time F CRO
How much is that doggie in the window? JNF 782.4 TRA
Galah games F JOH
Frightfully friendly ghosties F KIN
Fight game F WIL
The Emperor's new clothes F AND
The dog : Hollywood spaniel F DEW
The dog : leader of the pack F DEW
Donald loves drumming F BLA
Dragonsdale F DRA
Diary of a wimpy kid : the last straw #3 F KIN
Dingo's dash F JOH
Disney's Button soup. F DIS
Disney's The Emperor's new groove. F DIS
Disney's the lion king. F DIS
Disney's toy story. F DIS
Dizzy F CAS
Collins big cat picture dictionary JNF 423 COL
Cranky crocodile JF JOH
Crooked Mick F LUC
Chicken Stu F LUF
The boy and the toy JF HAR
The big itch F INC
Beautiful butterfly F JOH
Bad baby JF NEW
The amber spyglass F PUL
10 best Arthurian legends ever! 398.20941 ART
100 things you should know about dogs & puppies 636.7 DE
100 things you should know about horses & ponies 636.1 DE
100 things you should know about insects & spiders 595.4 PAR
100 things you should know about inventions 600 BRE
100 things you should know about science 500 PAR
100 things you should know about space 520 BEC
100 things you should know about the human body 612 PAR
500 questions & answers. 030.2 FIV
Amazing facts about Australian mammals 599.09 CZE
Amazing facts about Australian marine life 591.77 PAR
Animals in the dark 591 SIM
Australian & world records 030 MOR
Australia's navy 359 MAC
Be a cool cat! : purr-fect advice for healthy kids 613.071 JOR
The book of stars 523 TWI
The Burrawang Bunyip from the Bottomless Swamp A821 BRZ
The centenary of the greatest game under the sun : one hundred years of rugby league in Queensland 796.333 HOW
The challenges v. 2 629.222 HIL
Charles Darwin : a voyage of discovery TR 576.8 DAR
Cuddle! 821 SHO
The dog : dogs rule and cats drool! ; The cat : cats rule and dogs drool! 636.7 DEW
Draw Aussie dinosaurs & other monsters 743.6 ISH
Encyclopedia of animals 590.3 MCG
Everything cat : what kids really want to know about cats 636.8 CRI
Everything dog : what kids really want to know about dogs 636.7 CRI
Evolve or die 591.3 GAT
Feathered soldiers : an illustrated tribute to Australia's wartime messenger pigeons 940.54 FAR
Girl secrets : all the goss on friends, fashion, boys and beauty 646.7 HES
Going bush : adventures across indigenous Australia. 994 GOI
Life at wombat hollow 599.2 PAR
M is for mates : animals in wartime from Ajax to Zep. 355.4 MIS
Me and my puppy 636 FOR
Moo, moo, brown cow- have you any- 513.2 WOO
My perfect puppy 636.7 FOR
Neptune's nursery 591.77 TOF
A place to remember : Australian War Memorial souvenir publication. 355.0074 AUS
Polar eyes : a journey to Antarctica 919.8 PAT
Predators 591.5 SEI
Recycling 363.72 MOR
Saving energy 333.791 MOR
Sheep 636.3 RAY
Two by two 222 HAW
The Usborne pocket dictionary REF 423 USB
Virtual odditorium : the greatest oddity show on earth! 030.2 CAS
Walt Disney's country mouse, city mouse. 398.20938 AES
Weather or not- : it's a climate for change 363.738 TRA
What a joke! : for kids only. Volume two. 808.88 WHA
Why are they marching , Daddy? 940.4 WHY
The ugly duckling AV 398.2 AND
The ultimate book of jokes 808.88 COU
Understanding ways : communicating between cultures 305.8 OSU
Unicorns : magical creatures from myth and fiction 398.24 UNI
What in the world do you do when your parents divorce? : a survival guide for kids 306.89 WIN
What to do when you're scared & worried : a guide for kids 152.4 CRI
When I'm feeling gift set 152.4 WHE

April 2010 - for students

Specky Magee & the spirit of the game F ARE
Diary of a wimpy kid : the last straw #3 F KIN
My grandma is a star F NOR Hickory dickory dock JNF 398.8 ABR

Reading makes you feel good JNF 028.5 PAR
Weather or not- : it's a climate for change 363.738 TRA
The rush to gold : a world turned topsie-turvey 994.03 HOC
Amazing facts about Australian mammals 599.09 CZE
The book of stars 523 TWI
Australia's navy 359 MAC
Amazing facts about Australian marine life 591.77 PAR
Saving energy 333.791 MOR
Diary of a wimpy kid : dog days#4 F KIN
Diary of a wimpy kid : Greg Heffley's journal#1 F KIN
Dizzy F CAS
Molly Moon's incredible book of hypnotism F BYN
Goats 636.3 MOR
Collins big cat picture dictionary 423 COL

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

May 2010 - for teachers

10 best Arthurian legends ever! 398.20941 ART

100 things you should know about dogs & puppies 636.7 DE

100 things you should know about horses & ponies 636.1 DE

100 things you should know about insects & spiders 595.4 PAR

100 things you should know about inventions 600 BRE

100 things you should know about science 500 PAR

100 things you should know about space 520 BEC

100 things you should know about the human body 612 PAR

500 questions & answers. 030.2 FIV

Amazing facts about Australian mammals 599.09 CZE

Amazing facts about Australian marine life 591.77 PAR

Animals in the dark 591 SIM

Antarctic science : a resource book of ideas for teachers for National Science Week 2007
998 MCN

Arctic tale 591.70911 BAI

Aussie! Aussie! Aussie! Read! Read! Read! Set 3, Teaching guide 428.6 WEE

Australian & world records 030 MOR

Australia's navy 359 MAC

Bat and Peacock in the rain RED1 F HAR

Be a cool cat! : purr-fect advice for healthy kids 613.071 JOR

Benedict and Chico : the life of Pope Benedict XVI as told by a cat 282.092 BEN

Big bible storybook RE TR 220.9 BIG

Bloomin' rainforests 577.34 GAN

The book of stars 523 TWI

The Boss's guide to BYTS TR 658.3 ZAP

Bunny and Giraffe go apple-picking RED1 F HAR

The Burrawang Bunyip from the Bottomless Swamp A821 BRZ

The centenary of the greatest game under the sun : one hundred years of rugby league in Queensland 796.333 HOW

The challenges v. 2 629.222 HIL

Charles Darwin : a voyage of discovery TR 576.8 DAR

Cinderella AV 398.2 PER

Class ideas K-3: Habitats: #33 Term 2, 2005 TR 591 CLA

Class ideas: K-3: Issue #34 Term 3/05 TR 523 CLA

Cuddle! 821 SHO

The dog : dogs rule and cats drool! ; The cat : cats rule and dogs drool! 636.7 DEW

Draw Aussie dinosaurs & other monsters 743.6 ISH

Elephant and Zebra at the market RED1 F HAR

Encyclopedia of animals 590.3 MCG

Everyone's got a bottom GUI 649 ROW

Everything cat : what kids really want to know about cats 636.8 CRI

Everything dog : what kids really want to know about dogs 636.7 CRI

Evolve or die 591.3 GAT

Feathered soldiers : an illustrated tribute to Australia's wartime messenger pigeons 940.54 FAR

First Australian dictionary REF 423 OGI

From a suitcase on the verandah : Father Bernard O'Shea and the development of Catholic education in Brisbane 1943-1983 371.071 RYA

The Galaxy CS 523 GAL

Girl secrets : all the goss on friends, fashion, boys and beauty 646.7 HES

Goat and Pig play dress-up RED1 F HAR

Goats 636.3 MOR

Going bush : adventures across indigenous Australia. 994 GOI

Goldilocks AV 398.2 GOL

Gorilla and Llama bake a cake RED1 F HAR

Hansel and Gretel AV 398.2 GRI

Helping your anxious child : a step-by-step guide for parents GUI155.4 HEL

Hickory dickory dock 398.8 ABR

Holy Bible : NRSV with Deuterocanonical books. 220.5 BIB

I feel angry GUI 152.4 MOS

I feel scared when Mum and Dad fight GUI F ROW

Keep 'em keen TR 658.315 SCH

Life at wombat hollow 599.2 PAR

M is for mates : animals in wartime from Ajax to Zep. 355.4 MIS

Magnetic flags of the world 929.9 MAG

Mars CS 523 MAR

Me and my puppy 636 FOR

Monkey and Flamingo ride bikes RED1 F HAR

Moo, moo, brown cow- have you any- 513.2 WOO

My perfect puppy 636.7 FOR

Nagano in four seasons TR -LOTE 940.54 NAG

Neptune's nursery 591.77 TOF

Penguin and Octopus play RED1 F HAR

Peter Pan AV 398.2 BAR

Pinnochio AV 398.2 COL

A place to remember : Australian War Memorial souvenir publication. 355.0074 AUS

Polar eyes : a journey to Antarctica 919.8 PAT

Predators 591.5 SEI

Raccoon and Frog play baseball RED1 F HAR

Reading bug box. Levels 17-23. Blackline masters. 428.6 REA

Reading bug box. Levels 1-8: blackline masters TR 428.6 REA

Reading bug box. Levels 24-30: Blackline masters 428.6 REA

Reading under the covers : helping children to choose books 028.5 REA

Recycling 363.72 MOR

Red riding hood AV 398.2 PER

Religious education module: Making meaning through prayer and ritual: level 4/5; Celebration and prayer strand TR 248.3 RUS

Religious education module: Perspectives on morality: Level 3/4; morality strand TR 241 LAV

Religious education module: Textual features in scripture level 5/6 :Scripture strand

TR 220 ELL

Resource box: Explore space CS 523 RES

The rush to gold : a world turned topsie-turvey 994.03 HOC

Saving energy 333.791 MOR

Sea works : resources for primary schools : specific educational activities 577.7 SEA

Sheep 636.3 RAY

Soft foam blend cubes : set of 6. 428.107 SOF

Soft foam lowercase alphabet cubes : set of 6. 421 SOF

Soft foam word family cubes 428.1076 SOF

The solar system CS 523 SOL

Solar system (on material) TR 523 SOL

Space missions CS 523 SPA

The sun & moon CS 523 SUN

Teach me about God's creation RE 222 PLU

Teaching vocabulary through differentiated instruction with leveled graphic organizers
TR 428.107 WIT

Two by two 222 HAW

The ugly duckling AV 398.2 AND

Understanding ways : communicating between cultures 305.8 OSU

Unicorns : magical creatures from myth and fiction 398.24 UNI

The Usborne pocket dictionary REF 423 USB

Virtual odditorium : the greatest oddity show on earth! 030.2 CAS

Walt Disney's country mouse, city mouse. 398.20938 AES

Weather or not- : it's a climate for change 363.738 TRA

What a joke! : for kids only. Volume two. 808.88 WHA

Why are they marching , Daddy? 940.4 WHY

When Mum and Dad talk: about parents separating GUI F ROW

What in the world do you do when your parents divorce? : a survival guide for kids 306.89 WIN

What to do when you're scared & worried : a guide for kids 152.4 CRI

When I'm feeling gift set 152.4 WHE