101 Games - Puzzle and logic CD-ROM 793.7 ONE 1 CD-ROM, 1 installation booklet
50 years of rock'n'roll 781.6609 FIF 1 book, 1 teacher's handbook, 1 student worksheet book, 1 music CD, 1 magazine binder, 12 magazines, 75 stickers, posters.
All God's children TR 782.245 COO 55p
Alphabet: 26 self-correcting 2 piece-puzzles TR 421 ALP 52 pieces
Australian explorers 3 : Eyre, Sturt, Leichhardt, Stuart, Burke & Wills. 994.02 AUS 1 chart : col. + folder.
Australian women in war: investigating the experiences and changing roles of Australian women in war and peace operations 1889 - today CS 355.2 AUS 1 dvd
Australian women in war : investigating the experiences and changing roles of Australian women in war and peace operations 1899-today 355.2 AUS 1 book
Beat the heat music lessons for years 5 and 6 TR 781.62 HEA 14 p.: il.
Biodiversity TR 333.95 BIO 23p.col.ill
Christmas around the world TR 394.2 HAL 32 p. : ill.,
Coloured parrot finger puppet
Galah finger puppet
Green frog finger puppet
Kangaroo finger puppet
Platypus finger puppet
Koala finger puppet
Developing mathematics understanding through cognitive diagnostic assessment tasks. CS 510.76 DEV 148 p. : ill. + 1 CD-ROM.
Dramacard : Series 1 : primary school program TR 792.07 DRA 1 v. (loose-leaf)
Dramacard Series I: volume II TR 792.07 DRA 1 loose-leaf folder
Dramacard : Series I : Volume III TR 792.07 DRA 1 loose-leaf folder
Earthquake explorers. TR CS 551.2207 EAR xii, 76 p. : ill. + 1 CD-ROM.
Families in focus : big ideas book TR 306.85 FAM 80 p. : col. ill. + 1 CD-ROM.
Family prayer time. Lent to Easter, Year A 242 WIN 64 p. : col. ill. + 1 CD.
The five senses game PRE 612.8 FIV 2 game boards with spinners; 5 boards; 35 cards, 1 instruction sheet
Forever friends : big ideas book TR 302.3 FOR 80 p. : col. ill. + 1 CD-ROM.
Fuel your mind: notable Australian children's books 2008 TR 028 FUE
Galaxy kids. Blue 428.6 GAL 1 CD-ROM : sd., col.
Galaxy kids. Early green 428.6 GAL 1 CD-ROM : sd., col.