Saturday, September 11, 2010

August 2010 - for teachers

Asteroid attack RUB1 F SIM

The caged bird SAP1 F KEL

Cobber Dog and Old Mary PUR2 F DOB

Code talkers SAP1 F WOL

Common wombats PUR2 599.2 WHI

Comsats and phone calls PUR2 384.6 CHA

Court in the act RUB1 F ODG

Fight for rights SAP1 F WIN

Freedom train SAP1 F DOW

Go to your room RUB1 F SCO

The hidden message SAP1 F BOY

Sub total: I dare you RS F EGG

Jamila joins the team PUR2 F GRE

The potter's son RUB1 F SMI

Queen Nzinga SAP1 F PAN

Sea turtles PUR2 597.92 GRE

The secret fishing gear PUR2 F PAU

Shooting the sun : a Chinese myth PUR2 398.2 LIN

TreeTops graphic novels. Stage 16, Teaching notes SAP1 TR 428.6 PIC

The tree of life PUR2 584 HOR

10 in one : a collection of plays TR A822 TAY

50 years of rock 'n' roll: the times they were for changing TR 781.6 REG

The astronomy investigator TR 520.76 QUA

Australian biodiversity : a resource book of ideas for teachers 2010 TR 333.9 WAT

Burning issues: teachers manual TR 613.85 SLA

Conversations about text : teaching grammar using literary texts TR 428.2071 ROS

Diving into maths Queensland. Level 2A. Recording and assessment book TR 510.76 BOG

Guided reading beach balls TR 428.407 GUI

Mathletics: Addition and subtraction: Series F student book TR 510 FLE

Mathletics: Addition and Subtraction: Series F teacher book TR 510 FLE

Mathletics: chance and probability : Series F student book TR 510 FLE

Mathletics: Chance and probability : series F teacher book TR 510 FLE

Mathletics: Data representation: Series F student book TR 510 FLE

Mathletics: data representation: series F teacher book TR 510 FLE

Mathletics: Fractions and decimals : Series F student book TR 510 FLE

Mathletics: Fractions and decimals: Series F teacher book TR 510 FLE

Mathletics: Geometry Series F student book TR 510 FLE

Mathletics: geometry: Series F teacher book TR 510 FLE

Mathletics: Length, area and perimeter: Series F student book TR 510 FLE

Mathletics: length, area and perimeter: Series F teacher book TR 510 FLE

Mathletics: Multiplication and division: Series F student book TR 510 FLE

Mathletics: Multiplication and division : Series F teacher book TR 510 FLE

Mathletics: Numeracy practice test 1, 2 & 3 year 5 TR 510 NUM

Mathletics: Numeracy practice test 1, 2 & 3 Year 5 teacher book TR 510 NUM

Mathletics: patterns and algebra: Series F student book TR 510 FLE

Mathletics: Patterns and algebra : Series F teacher book TR 510 FLE

Mathletics: Position: Series F student book TR 510 FLE

Mathletics: Position; series F teacher book TR 510 FLE

Mathletics: reading and understanding whole numbers: Series F student book TR 510 FLE

Mathletics: reading and understanding whole numbers: Series F teacher book TR 510 FLE

Mathletics: Time : series F student book TR 510 FLE

Mathletics: Time : Series F teacher book TR 510 FLE

Mathletics: Volume, capacity and mass : Series F student book TR 510 FLE

Mathletics: Volume, capacity and mass: series F teacher book TR 510 FLE

Measurement : activity cards. TR 510.76 BEE

My "b" book TR F MON

New signpost maths for Queensland. 5, Student book TR 510.76 NEW

Space data collection and representation : activity cards. TR 516.0076 BEE

The twelve plays of Christmas TR A822 TAY

Wipe off learning cards: letters A-Z TR 428 WIP

Write for Queensland. Book 4 TR 652.076 JOR

Alphabet sing-along AV JF ALP

Australian Tsunami Warning System Project audio brochures AV 551.46 AUS

Chase your dreams AV 650.1 STE

English - the teaching of grammar; using the inquiry approach to teach Science AV 415 ENG

Fire Ed early years : teacher resource. AV 363.37 FIR

Quandamooka Country AV 994 QUA

RE QuickFind AV 220 CAT

Resource box: My first steps to reading AV JF RES

The Selfish Giant; Where the Wild Things Are AV WIL

Tsunami awareness show AV 551.46 TSU

The Wishing Bone AV F OLE

Women in Hard Hats AV 331.4 WOM

Anam cara RE 248 ODO

Benedictus : a book of blessings RE 242 ODO

Modern Christian singers. Volume one RE 782.27 MOD

Remember Me... Lenten Reflections for Individuals and Groups RE 220 REM

August 2010 - for students

101 animal secrets JNF 590 BER
Ants JNF 595 HAL
Awesome amphibians JNF 597.8 BAU
Beautiful birds JNF 598 MAR
Bumble bees JNF 595 HOW
Butterflies JNF 595 HOW
Favourite nursery rhymes JNF 398 FAV
Grasshoppers JNF 595 HAL
How do I love you? JNF 811 BAU
I spy a school bus JNF 793.73 MAR
I spy funny teeth JNF 793.73 MAR
Incredible insects JNF 595.7 BAR
Ladybugs JNF 595 HAL
Marvelous mammals JNF 599 CAR
Paddington's ABC JNF 421 BON
Really cool reptiles JNF 597.9 MAR
Silly Milly JNF 811 LEW
Eeyore finds the Wolery JF MIL
Even Steven and Odd Todd JF CRI
Grug and his bicycle JF PRI
If dogs ruled the world JF MCN
Just a minute! JF SLA
May I please have a cookie? JF MOR
My Dad thinks he's funny JF GER
My messy room JF PAC
Pooh invents a new game JF MIL
Potato music JF BOO
Princess peepers JF CAL
A rat in a stripy sock JF WAT
Tigger comes to the forest and has breakfast JF MIL
Tigger is unbounced JF MIL
The vegetable ark : a tale of two brothers JF KAN
I love you because you're you JF BAK
A house is built at Pooh Corner for Eeyore JF MIL
Piglet does a very grand thing JF MIL
A search is organdized JF MIL
5/6B Fantasy stories F FIV
The black swan F BRI
Crikey! F CAR
Everything for a dog F MAR
The Great Plague F OLD
Grimsdon F ABE
The horse who bit a bushranger F FRE
Jingle bells F BUT
Kumiko and the dragon's secret F STE
Little Rascal to the rescue F JEN
Lucy the lie detector F MUS
Miracle on Separation Street F GRA
Mirror = Mira't F BAK
Museum madness F MCC
My life as dinosaur dental floss F MYE
Phoebe Nash : girl warrior F DAT
Rascal and little Flora F JEN
Rascal and the dragon droppings F JEN
Rascal and the hot air balloon F JEN
Rascal and the monster F JEN
Rascal goes fishing F JEN
Scholastic's the magic school bus gets cold feet : a book about warm- and cold-blooded animals. F COL
Scholastic's The magic school bus going batty : a book about bats. F COL
Scholastic's The magic school bus plants seeds : a book about how living things grow. F COL
Scholastic's The magic school bus gets programmed : a book about computers F WHI
Scholastic's The magic school bus gets eaten : a book about food chains. F SCH
Scholastic's The magic school bus in the Arctic : a book about heat. F SCH
The Magic school bus blows its top : a book about volcanoes. F MAG
The magic school bus gets ants in its pants : a book about ants. F COL
Scooby-Doo! and fantastic puppet factory F MCC
Scooby-Doo! and the creepy chef F MCC
Scooby-Doo! and the fishy phantom F MCC
Scooby-Doo and the samurai ghost F MCC
Scooby-Doo! and the weird water park F MCC
Slave girl F MCK
Stranded F RAM
The trophy kid F FLY
Tussock F PUL
The very snowy Christmas F HEN
Walt Disney's 101 dalmatians. F SMI
Gabby's fair F KLE
The very quiet cricket F CAR
Australian Geographic Little Kids KIDS MAG 4/10
Namalata thusi. MAG 07 WIN 2009
What Is It? 152 ELL
I like152.4 PIN
Reach for the stars and other advice for life's journey158.1 BLO
Understanding greenhouse science: frequently asked questions363.738 UND
Ned Kelly and the green sash364.15 KEL
Lunch371.7 PIN
School372.24 PIN
Bill will421 CHA
Chuck's bad luck421 CHA
Zack packs a snack421 CHA
Dot's spot421 CHA
Gail's snail421 CHA
Hank's pranks421 CHA
Kate loves to skate421 CHA
Min and Fin421 CHA
Nell is not well421 CHA
Pam and the clam421 CHA
Tug and the bug421 CHA
50 science things to make & do507.8 FIF
Look! 513 CIN
Seven magic hats513.076 CHA
100 wacky wishes513.076 CHA
Eight legs are great513.076 CHA
The happy hippos513.076 CHA
Monkey's missing bananas513.076 CHA
Ten fingers can! 513.076 CHA
Zero spots513.076 CHA
Three bouncing balls 513.076 CHA
Two bunny slippers513.076 CHA
Five shiny apples513.076 FLE
Six cheers for ladybug513.076 FLE
30 mice are very nice513.076 FLE
The ants go marching two by two513.076 FLE
One little egg513.076 LUC
Four fiddlers513.076 SLA
Nine bright pennies513.076 SLA
Kittens513.2 CUR
We are painting535.6 ALE
I can see535.6 KLE
Iguanodon567.9 GRE
Stegosaurus567.9 GRE
T. Rex567.9 GRE
Big590 BLE
Can you see it? 590 MUR
Aussie minibeasts. 595.7 AUS
Diplodocus567.913 GRE
I am612.7 KLE
Dog to the rescue II : seventeen more true tales of dog heroism636 SAN
Dogs636.7 LEV
In the Forest636 MEL
My cats636.8 ROB
We like fruit641.3 LEE
The band784 LEB
We can go! 790.1 GEI
We like to play! 790.1 TAR
I spy lightning in the sky793.73 MAR
Mapping assignments912 BRE
The diary of a young girl : the definitive edition940.53 FRA