Monday, April 4, 2011

Term One 2011 - for teachers

Spider-man versus the lizard YR2 JF ROS
Resource box: My first steps to reading AV JF RES
A turtle's journey#5 AV 597.92 TUR
Zebras: patterns in the grass AV 599.6 ZEB
Yonde Kaite: flash cards TR 495.6 SAT
Woodcock-Johnson III Tests of achievement: Standard test book Tests 1-12 Form B GUI 150 WOO
Woodcock-Johnson III Tests of achievement Form B scoring guides (No value) Woodcock-Johnson III Tests of achievement: Extended test book Tests 13-22 Form B GUI 150
WOO Woodcock-Johnson III Tests of Achievement GUI 150 WOO
Woodcock-Johnson III normative update: compusore and profiles program GUI 150 SCH Woodcock-Johnson III Australian adaptation tests of achievement: standard & extended batteries Form B GUI 150 WOO
Woodcock-John III Technical manual GUI 150 WOO
he wonky donkey AV 782.4 SMI
Wonderful world of the octopus AV 594 WON

Wings over the Serengeti AV 591.96 WIN
A whole school approach : values education for Australian schooling. PIC 370.11 AUS When I'm feeling AV 152.4 WHE
When comma came to town TR 428.2 BER
Very mixed emotions : a discussion starter on bullying in childhood AV 371.5 VER
A verb for Herb TR 428.2 FLE
Vanishing Valentines YR2 JF WAS
The values we share PIC 370.11 AUS
Values for Australian schooling professional learning resources - Primary AV 370.11 VAL Values education good practice : key elements from the national framework. PIC 370.11 AUS Values education forums : engaging your school community. AV 370.11 VAL Valentine's Day dognapping YR2 JF HER

Upper primary and beyond sheet 2 PIC F MIR
Turtle (puppet) DRA Treasure hunt YR2 JF BAR
Tillie's tuba TR 428.2 FLE
Talon: an eagle's story AV 598.9 TAL
Swagman puppet DRA
The surf scare YR2 JF NAG
Stormy night YR2 JF WAS
Spy hunt YR2 JF BAR Spooky sports day YR2 JF SOD
Spider-man vervus the lizard YR2 JF ROS
Spider-man vervus Electro YR2 JF ROS
Spider-man versus the vulture YR2 JF ROS

Spider-man versus the green goblin YR2 JF ROS
Spider-man versus Kraven YR2 JF ROS
Spider-man The Menace of the molten man YR2 JF ROS
Spider-man the great holiday chase YR2 JF ROS
Spider-Man Meet the villains YR2 JF ROS
Spiderman meet spider-man YR2 JF ROS
Spider-man clash with the rhino YR2 JF ROS
Spider-man battle with Doc Ock YR2 JF ROS
Spider-man a day in the life of Peter Parker YR2 JF ROS
Snow ghost YR2 JF WAS
Sled race mystery YR2 JF BAR
The shamrock scare YR2 JF TYO
Search for Scooby snacks YR2 JF WAS
Seal secrets AV 599.79 SEA
Scooby-Doo decodes a mystery YR2 JF PEN
The scarecrow mystery YR2 JF PEN
Ripper II: Growing kids on farms: an education resource for primary schools CS 363.11 DEP RIPPER II : growing kids on farms : an education resource for primary schools AV 363.11 DEP
Return of the wolf AV 599.7 RET
Resource box: Values education (No value)
Resource box: Ripper II: growing kids on farms AV 363.11 RES
Resource box: one in a thousand: the miraculous life of the sea turtle AV 597.92 RES Resource box: iPod classic (No value)
Resource box: Families every parent's survival guide AV 649 RES
Resource box: Bullying among young children AV 371.5 RES
Religious education and social and personal learning RE 372 RUS
Religious education and health and physical learning RE 372 RUS
Religious education and early mathematical understandings RE 372 RUS
Reach out, give life. School resource : World Mission Day. RE 266 REA
Primary writing. Book F : read, analyse, plan. TR 808 PRI
Primary writing. Book C : read, analyse, plan. TR 808 PRI
Primary writing. Book B : read, analyse, plan. TR 808 PRI
he planet without pronouns TR 428.2 MAR
The pizza place ghost YR2 JF PIZ
Parade puzzle YR2 JF NAG
Pakelite computer bag (No value)
One light, many journeys:Together as One: Lent to Pentecost for children aged 5-9 years RE 263 STA
Ollie saves the planet AV 363.7 OLL
Nurse (puppet) DRA
The no-good, rotten, run-on sentence TR 428.2 CHA
New wave mental. G TR 510.76 KRA
National framework for values education in Australian schools. AV 370.11 AUS
A new grammar companion for teachers TR 428.2 DER
The mystery of the missing socks TR 428.2 MAR
My grandma lived in Gooligulch A821 BAS
MusicFire: Alive in the Spirit! RE 782 MUS
Mummies at the mall YR2 JF HER
Multimodal literacy : researching classroom practice TR 428.4 WAL
The missing tooth mystery YR2 JF BAR
Mirror: Upper primary and beyond sheet 1 PIC F MIR
Mirror: Middle/upper primary sheet 2 IC F MIR
Mirror: Middle/upper primary sheet 1 PIC F MIR
Mirror : education kit PIC F MIR
Mirror : Early/lower primary PIC F MIR
The mega-deluxe capitalization machine TR 428.2 MAR
Meet big foot YR2 JF NAG
Map in the mystery machine YR2 JF

Logitech protective travel case (No value)
Logitech international voltage AC adaptor (No value)
Logitch wireless remote (No value)
Logitch Pure-Fi anywhere 2 speaker system (No value)
Living with water AV 797.2 LIV
Ladybugs YR2 595.76 RUS
Kangaroo adventures AV 599.2 KAN J
apanese language puzzle TR 495.6 JAP
Japanese language alphabet TR 495.6 JAP
iPod classic (No value) Invasion of the killer toads#6 AV 597.8 INV
Inside the shortlist 2008 : the 2008 CBCA shortlist books, and how to use them in your classroom TR A823 LAW
Howling on the playground YR2 JF HER
Howbadzzat? : it's not as bad as you think it is! TR 155.5 BER
Heart to heart AV 263 HEA RE 263 HEA
The haunted ski lodge YR2 JF HER
The haunted pumpkins YR2 JF NAG
Gudju Gudju songbook TR 782.4 GUD
Gudju gudju AV 782.4 GUD
Grasshoppers YR2 595.7 GRE
The ghost town mystery YR2 JF HUR
Ghost school YR2 JF WAS
Ghost in the garden YR2 JF HER
Geena and Harry's Farm AV 363.11 DEP

Francine Fribble, proofreading policewoman TR 428.2 MAR
Fat cat on a mat and other tales AV JF COX
Families: every parent's survival guide TR 649 EVE
Every parent's survival guide AV 649 EVE
Dragonflies YR2 595.7 GRE
Disappearing donuts YR2 JF HER
Dinosaurs uncovered AV 567.9 DIN
Dinosaur dig YR2 JF SOD
The critics' choice 2010 : 31 May-17 September 2010 AV 362.29 CRI
The Christmas cookie case YR2 JF BAR
Chicken in the city TR 428.2 FLE
Cheetahs: the deadly race AV 599.75 CHE
The catnapped caper YR2 JF BAR
Catching on to comprehension. Book E TR 428.2076 REC
Catching on to comprehension. Book D TR 428.2076 REC
Catching on to comprehension. Book C TR 428.2076 REC
Catching on to comprehension. Book B TR 428.2076 DAR
Catching on to comprehension. Book A TR 428.2076 DAR
Caritas Australia story : Uganda AV 361.7 CAR
Caritas Australia story : Nepal AV 331.6 CAR
Butterflies YR2 595.7 RUS Bumblebees YR2 595.79 GRE
Belkin power adapter (No value)

Term One 2011 - for students

101 bug jokes 808.88 EIS 101
outer space jokes 808.88 BLA
101 wacky science jokes 808.88 BER 365
awesome Aussie jokes : a joke a day! 808.88 THR
The abominable snowman mystery YR2 JF PEN
The adventures of Clutch Powers AV F ADV
The adventures of Santa Paws F EDW
All cats have Asperger syndrome 616.85 HOO
All dogs have ADHD GUI 616.85 HOO
All through the year JF GOD
Always Jack F GER Angel Creek F RIP
Anne of the island F MON
The apple thief YR2 JF HER
Art & Max JF WIE
Aussie dog F NIL
Australian & world records. 2011 030 MOR
Awesome Egyptians 932 DEA
Avalanche F ROT Aztec attack F CAR
The bad book A828 GRI
Barrier Reef#3 JNF 823 WIL
Baseball blackout YR2 JF GUI
Battle bust-up F CAR
Bears JNF 599 COU
Beetles YR2 595.76 SEC
Ben & Gracie's art adventure : Frederick McCubbin JF WIL
The big tick JF KEN
Bill rules F FEN
Blue princess takes the stage F CRO
Boris F JOY
The boy who wasn't there F PAN
The boys book of adventure : 790.1 MAR
Buddy F MIL
The bug book TR 428.2 FLE
Buzz off! F ABD
Can adults become human? by Jamie Kelly F BEN
Bungawitta F ROD
The capture F LAS
Castle of the zombies#1 F WIL
Catmagic F WEB
Caveman bash F CAR
Chicken soup for the soul Christmas treasury : holiday stories to warm the heart 394.2663 CHI
Christmas baking for children 641.5 PAT
Christmas#1 JNF 823 WIL
The class election from the Black Lagoon F THA
The class trip from the Black Lagoon F THA
Clifford and the big storm JF BRI
Clifford goes to Hollywood JF BRI
Clifford visits the hospital JF BRI
Clifford's best friend : a story about Emily Elizabeth JF BRI
Clifford's birthday party JF BRI
Clifford's family JF BRI
Clifford's manners JF BRI
Clifford's puppy days JF BRI
Clues at the carnival YR2 JF IP
Coldblast vs. Bug Man JF KEN Crab (puppet) DRA
Cranes JNF 621.5 ASK
Crusher Kevin F MAT
Cyclone Tracy : [the diary of Ryan Turner, Darwin, 1974] F TUC
Dame Nellie Melba 782.1092 MEL
December F LOR
Dewey : the true story of a world famous library cat 636.8 MYR
Diary of a wimpy kid : the ugly truth#5 F KIN
Diary of a would-be princess. 3 F GRE
Diggers JNF 629.225 ASK
Digging up the past 930.1 GIL
The dinosaur who couldn't sleep JF SAL
Dragon's fat cat : Dragon's fourth tale JF PIL
The dream of the thylacine 599.2 WIL
Earth JNF 525 MAR
Elizabeth F LAS
The emerald atlas F STE
The Emperor of Nihon-ja F FLA
Epic battles 791.43 BEE
Erak's ransom F FLA
Escape from HorrorLand F STI
Everest kills 796.5 WIL
The fame game and me F GRE
The fierce little woman and the wicked pirate JF COW
First encyclopedia of space 520 DOW
Fly high, Fly Guy! JF ARN
Folded flower origami : create 15 flowers and 5 arrangements 745.5 LAN Forces of darkness F SCO
Forever yours : stories of wartime love and friendship 355.02 SIE
Fossil fury F LAR
The friendship matchmaker F ABD
Friendship secrets : what don't you know about your best friend? 158.2 WEY Good wives F ALC
Goodnight, mice! JNF A821 WAT
The Gorgon in the gully F MAR
The great shark escape F JOH
Guardians of Ga'Hoole. Books 1-3 F LAS
Guinness world records 2011. 030.2 GUI
Half a sister F MCK
Halt's peril F FLA
Hamstermagic F WEB
The hatchling F LAS
The heroes of the Kokoda Track 940.54 BRA
Hi! Fly Guy JF ARN
Hiding Edith : a true story 940.53 KAC
Horror house F LAR
How I learned to fly F STI
I am confident! JNF 158.1 PAR
I am creative! JNF 153.3 PAR
I am positive! JNF 158.1 PAR
I can listen! JNF 153.6 PAR
I tell the truth! 177 PAR
I was made ready F TEZ
f I never forever endeavor JNF 811 MEA
In too deep#6 F WAT
Indiana Jones and the kingdom of the crystal skull F LUC
Indiana Jones and the last crusade F WIN
Indiana Jones and the raiders of the lost ark F WIN
Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom F WEY
nto the gauntlet#10 F HAD
It's heaven to be seven F ITS
It's not my fault I know everything, by Jamie Kelly. F BEN
Jedi adventures F SCO
Just a dog F BAU
Killer creatures 591.6 LLE
The kings of Clonmel F FLA
Knights & castles 940.1 STE
Kringle F ABB
The last burp of Mac McGerp F SMA
Last tree in the city JF CAR
he legend of the Golden Snail F BAS
Let's count goats! JNF A821 FOX
The life cycle of the frog JNF 597.89 BRO
The lighthouse keeper stories F ARM
The lighthouse keeper's rescue JF ARM
The lighthouse keeper's surprise F ARM
Lilli-Pilli : the frog princess JF FAR
A lion called Christian 599.757 BOU
Little Dorrit F DIC
The little league team from the black lagoon F THA
Little shop of hamsters F STI
Littlest Red Riding Hood JF LEE
Lola & Tiva : an unlikely friendship JNF 599.6 HAT
The lost treasure F STR
The magic Faraway Tree F BLY
The magician's elephant F DIC
Making cards 745.5 WAT Making waves F MCF
Marshall Armstrong is new to our school JF MAC
Meet Grace F LAG
Mimi and the blue slave F BAT
Miss you, Mina F MIL
Monster weather. JF MON
Moon JNF 523.3 CON
The moon JNF 523.3 RUS
Mozzie and Midgie JF MAC
Mr Badger and the big surprise F HOB
Mr Badger and the difficult duchess F HOB
Mr Eight F EAS
My first atlas of the world JNF 912 MYF
My guide to the solar system. JNF 523.2 MYG
My little world JNF A821 COO
The mystery cat F KIM
The mystery of the burnt cottage F BLY
Never underestimate your dumbness, by Jamie Kelly F BEN
November F LOR
October#10 F LOR
Open fire F CAR
Our Don Bradman F
ALL Our world : Bardi Jaawi : life at Ardiyooloon 371.03 OUR
Outback#2 JNF 823 WIL
Overdrive F LAR
Party time F RUS
Patches F MIL
Penguin puzzle F STA
The perfect present F RIP
The Phar Lap mystery F MAS
Phoebe finds her voice F CON
Pilot & Huxley F MCG
Planets JNF 523.4 MAR
The planets JNF 523.4 RUS
Playing Beatie Bow F PAR
Plum puddings and paper moons F MIL
The pocket dogs go on holiday JF WIL
Press here JNF 152 TUL
The problem with here is that it's where I'm from, by Jamie Kelly F BEN
The race car monster YR2 JF HER
Racing cars 629 DAY
Rapunzel JF BRO
Rascal F MIL
The red pyramid F RIO
The road to Belgrandia F STE
Rugby world champions : the history of the Rugby World Cup 796.333 RUG The runaway hug JF BLA
Sarindi's dragon kite F FRA
The savage stone age 930.1 DEA
Savannah dreams JF STE
The science fair from the Black Lagoon F THA
The search for the missing bones F MOO
The Second World War 940.3 MAS
The secret of the lonely isles F VAN
See you soon, Samantha F BER
September#9 F LOR Shadow F MIL
Shake a leg F PRY Shipwreck F LAR
Shock music F LAR
Shoo, Fly Guy! JF ARN
Sir Edward 'Weary' Dunlop 940.54 DUN
Sister spirit F KAL
Sky wars F CAR
Sleeping beauty JF PIC
Sleep-over! F MCA
A small problem JF KEN
Snowy Mountains#4 JNF 823 WIL
The song of the Winns F WAT
Sooner or later F BRO
Space JNF 523.1 DUH
Sparrow girl JF PEN
Speed machines and other record-breaking vehicles 629.04 SMI
Star wars. Episode 1, the phantom menace F WRE
Star wars. Episode II, attack of the clones F WRE
Star wars. Episode III, Revenge of the Sith F WRE
Star wars. Episode IV, A new hope F WIN
Star wars. Episode V, The empire strikes back F WIN
Star wars. Episode VI, Return of the Jedi F WIN
Star wars : lightsabers : a guide to weapons of the force 791.45
STA The staring owl JF EDW
Stars JNF 523.8 MAR
he stars JNF 523.8 RUS
Stencil activity book with stickers 741.43 SHR
Stew a cockatoo : my Aussie cookbook 641.5 MAY
Stolen girl F SAF Stories for 6 year olds F STO
Storytellers, artists and legends 994 GRA
The streets of Panic Park F STI
Success of Silver Spires F BRY
Summer spectacular F JEF
The sun JNF 523.7 RUS
Sun JNF 523.7 TIS
Super Fly Guy F ARN
Super soldier F CAR
Surface tension F MCK
Terradon F PAR 1
The things I love about me JF MOR
This totally bites! F AME
Thrill ride F LAR
The Travelling Restaurant : Jasper's voyage in three parts : a novel for children F ELS
The trenches F ELD
The truth about bats F MOO
Turtle trouble F MON
Uncooked! 1/5 : three stories F JEN
Uncooked! 2/5 F JEN
Uncooked! 3/5 F JEN 1
Uncooked! 4/5 F JEN
The unnaturals JF KEN
Up on Daddy's shoulders JF BER
Usborne children's world cookbook 641.5 WIL
We are Australian 994 WE
Weird but true tales 123 ZUL
When Henry caught imaginitis JF BLA
When the ghost dog howls F STI
White war F CAR
The wild whale watch F MOO
Wish you were here, Liza F WAS
The wooden horse F PUN
World cricket records. 2011 796.358 HAW
The worst gymnast F KAL
Wuthering Heights F BRO
Yarrtji : six women's stories from the Great Sandy Desert 305.48 YAR
You are what you eat : and other mealtime hazards JF BLO
ac strikes out F LAR
Zou and the box of kisses JF GAY
Aladdin and the wonderful lamp CAR
Captain Underpants and the preposterous plight of the purple potty people : the eighth epic novel F PIL
Coldblast vs. Bug Man. F COL
Forensics 363.25 PLA
Goblin at the beach F KEL
Goblin in the bush F KEL
Goblin in the city F KEL
Goblin in the rainforest F KEL
Goblin on the reef F KEL
Gorgeous Georgians 941.07 DEA
I am a leader! 158 PAR
Japanese for beginners 495.6 YOS
Shadowgate F ROD
Shrek 2 stencil book. 791.43 SHR
The dinosaur who invented things F SAL
The enormous crocodile F DAH
The lake of tears F ROD
Waltzing Matilda A821 PAT